Saturday, 25 June 2016

The Other Half, Eucla to Esperance


With a good quick pack up and delicious breakfast and good coffee we were ready for a good solid ride today. Looking at the wind forecast of gale force winds for Wednesday we decided to push past Mundrabilla, bush camp tonight and get into Madura Tuesday afternoon ahead of the predicted winds. Our big ride today was assisted by a slight tail breeze, dead flat terrain and very comfortable cycling temperature. Spin, spin, spin was the go. We took it in turns out in front so the back rider could get a little rest sitting on the back. This worked an absolute treat as we were able to get a pretty good pace of 22-24km/h going. With the wide sealed verge on the WA roads we were able to keep this momentum going even when we had to ride off the actual road.
The first 3km’s of our ride out of Eucla was downhill. Yep here we had a fun fast ride down to the plateau of the escarpment peaking at a rare 46.6km/h. As we settled back down after our thrill we could see in the distance someone walking. As we approached we realised it was the lady that we had heard about who is walking from Perth to Sydney. Veronica was excited to see us and we her, so we stopped for a great chat. Her husband John is driving support for her and arrived soon after with their car and small caravan. Here we were, standing on the side of the road having the most amazing conversation with two of the most inspirational people we have ever met. With big hugs and waves good bye we parted company and continued on our separate ways.
Since crossing the border we have unfortunately noticed so much road kill, and from Eucla onwards it has been really sad. Wilma just can’t look and closes her eyes when we come across the dead roos, emus and even wedge tail eagles. Makes me so sad seeing such beautiful animals squished mainly by all the big road trains. We came across a very recent roo that had been killed that was on the road being eaten by two magnificent wedgies and a handful of crows. We safely stopped and pulled the animal off the road into the bush so the birds too didn’t become road kill. We moved away 30-40 metres or so and just watched the eagles flying above, not having the confidence to come back to their tucker until we were clearly gone. Such magnificent birds to watch, I could just have sat there and watched them all day.
We came into Mundrabilla just on lunch time and enjoyed toasty sandwiches and not so enjoyable coffee and continued on our way. It was at about 4pm we looked up the wiki camp app and found a rest stop to be just 15.8km’s down the road which apparently had a large treed area out the back. Soon enough we came to our destination, had completed a big 120km’s and set up our camp out the back of the rest stop. We couldn’t be bothered cooking tonight so just had a feed of cheese and biscuits and a vegemite sandwich. Pretty stuffed, we crashed into the tent asleep well before 8pm.

Bush Camp West of Mundrabilla to MADURA  62km

I love being in the tent while it’s raining, this morning we woke up to that sound and hoped that it wasn’t going to last too long. We lay there listening to it for another half hour and it than began to ease. We had a quick pack up and knew we wanted to get going to Madura before the predicted high winds became reality.
The light tail wind continued as we spun the fat tyres up to speed and started crunching up the kilometres again, 20k’s done in the first hour, but we were watching the sky grow strangely dimmer and dimmer, it wasn’t coming from any particular direction, so we just kept going. Then, a quick break on the side of the road, saw a few light spots of rain, it didn’t look much, so we kept going. We had only gone about another k when we decided it was time to break the rain jackets out. While we had the panniers open, Wilma dove into it looking for cover, an ominous sign.
It still didn’t look like we were going to get much, so here comes the lesson. I have always had this problem while trekking or cycling, I hate wearing water proof pants and always think that the weather is not severe enough to warrant putting them on, but when you feel the first stream of water running down your legs and into your boots, it’s too late. What a wanker.  Next time.
So by now, we were getting pretty wet, but the breeze was still behind us and we were able to keep up our average speed. With about fifteen k’s to go, the wind swung around to the west and into our faces, slowing us down and driving the rain into our faces. It was a hard, wet slog into Madura, with the final killer being the beginning of the climb back up the escarpment to finish the legs off for the day. Overall we made good time and were able to get a budget motel room with a great verandah to put the bikes on and dry our gear out.


The predicted 100km gale force winds did not eventuate last night, early hours of this morning and are not now anticipated today. Gone, headed south and left us with just 30-40km winds, lots of rain and a feeling of slight disappointment. Well not really we are still actually glad we made the decision to stay another night while the last of this front passes through. Feeling cabin bound we ventured out between showers and climbed to the top of the escarpment to a view that spread for miles over the flat plateau that was dotted with small trees. For the past 160+km’s we have been following the escarpment and imagining a large city of lights, a green oasis and coffee shops, fruit and veg stalls and blue water lagoons sitting way up on top. But no there were only trees and rocks but as a compromise there was an amazing view of the tree studded plateau below. With rain most of the morning, the afternoon brought glimpses of sunshine which was a most welcome sight. All our gear is now dry and packed and ready for the road again tomorrow morning. From the vantage point on top of the escarpment we could see a very decent, long, steep climb out of here in the morning. Nothing like looking forward to a warm up climb first thing in your ride. Joyful sight to look forward to….

Within 10 metres from leaving this morning we hit the hill out of Madura Pass. Ouch she was a nasty one straight into a 10% with no warming up….well that obviously was the warm up!!! Then it was another solid 2km’s of about 5-6% so we were well and truly warm by the time we reached the top. Then onwards and flat we went. We ended up with a fresh headwind and thinking we would probably have to make camp in the bush well before we reached Cocklebiddy. By the time we had lunch and then an afternoon rest stop we suddenly found that we were well in the reach of Cocklebiddy. We arrived in Cocklebiddy feeling pretty shattered and so looking forward to a nice hot shower. Dave got his shower but when I ventured over there the power had gone off and so no shower for me yet. After hanging around for a while waiting for the poor guy to try and fix the power in the amenities I was starting to get a bit cold. This problem didn’t look like it was going to be fixed really quickly now so I was lucky enough to have a shower in the fuel stations amenity block. Wasn’t the greatest looking showers but it had hot water so that is all that mattered tonight. Then it was a vegie burger for me for dinner and steak sanga for Dave topped off with a hot chocolate to warm the bones just before bed.


This was a crazy kind of day on the bike, had a good brekky at the Cocklebidy roadhouse and then hit the road, it was grey, a slight head wind and we just seemed to get very little reward for each turn of the pedals. We were still seeing lots of kangaroos, in fact we had a big mob, probably 60 – 70 of them all wanting to get from the North to the South Side of the road. At one stage two jumped in front of a road train coming towards us, one stopped in time while the other kept going, he got past the front of the truck then turned back, the silly bugger. Mary screamed and we heard a loud bang, and the poor roo had hit the side of the truck and went skidding down the road. It was a terrible sight, but then miraculously, the roo got up and hopped back to his mate once the truck was past, and appeared to be quite ok, Phew.
This was not a day for photos, we had really poor light and very little to photograph, just endless scrub. Not to mention the effort we were putting in, just to keep moving.  A truckie pulled up, actually stopped his truck, a cheerful bloke and said, “You guys look like you could do with some water” and handed us a couple of bottles of water through the window. Great people out here.
We were coasting along really nicely when suddenly a large bird flew out of the bush and across the road followed by another and then another. At first we thought they were wedge tailed eagles as they were quite large but then realised they had long necks. Then there were over a dozen that flew out of the bush across the road. We weren’t sure what sort of birds they were, they couldn’t be ducks as they were too big. With a little research once in Caiguna we found them to be ‘Bustards’ not Bastards but Bustards, a bush turkey that are quite rare due to over hunting.
Then out of the gloom about 5 k’s from Caiguna, we saw a cyclist coming the other way, we stopped and introduced ourselves, he was Japanese, heading East and having the time of his life. That’s about all we could get out of him. We were very worried for him though as he was riding in very dark clothing and was very difficult to see, hope he makes it ok.
Approaching Caiguna we finally crossed out of the weird half way time zone of Eastern WA and left 1963 behind for 2016 once again, it’s good to be back.
Rain was threatening as we arrived into Caiguna, another of the famous Nullarbor Roadhouses. Luckily we were able to camp under shelter as the showers continued for a while, while we had an awesome hot shower with brand new amenities.


Promise of a tail wind had us up early to make inroads into what could be a two day trip to Balladonia with fair winds or three if not good. Big thanks to the lovely lady who runs the roadhouse for filling up a take away container with vegemite for us, seriously appreciated. Straight out of Caiguna was the sign marking the beginning of the Eastern End of the Longest Straightest road in Australia. The 90 mile straight!! 146.6km’s of straight road!! Really, just one continuous straight line for 146.6km’s?? Just as we headed out of Caiguna we noticed a sign indicating a blow hole that was just off the roadside. We took Wilma in for a bit of a sticky beak and found this blow hole to be of great interest. It is just so amazing to see how natural forces can form such amazing features. Then it was off to use the tail wind and get as far as we could, giving us a good chance of doing this leg in two days. We flew along and had good k’s done when we called a halt for lunch, we found a protected spot in the bush away from the road a bit, boiled the billy, had vegemite sandwiches and had a nice chat with Owen on the phone.
Once again it was a poor day for photography, so we didn’t get much. We just enjoyed the breeze and made a nice camp out in the bush with about 95k’s on the clock for the day, Job Done.


Pretty sweet riding today. Just a nice easy tail breeze making for a nice and steady day of pedalling. We left camp at 7.45am with the temperature reading 4.3 degrees. It wasn’t until 9.30 that it reached a warming 10 degrees. We seemed to click over the k’s in great time today and enjoyed the remaining 80 odd k’s left of this straight road. How exciting was it to see a road sign with a bend on it. After riding 90 miles of straight road, following a white line for 146.6km’s all we see at the end of it is a bendy sign. No ‘oh wow you have just completed the longest straightest road in Australia’, all you get is a bendy sign.
We enjoyed another bush stop lunch break and then continued on our way to Balladonia. We reached our destination in good time, setup camp, showered and were ready for dinner at 5.30. We had a good feed at the Road House Restaurant and warmed up by their combustion heater and then headed back over to the tent for a good night’s sleep.
Today ended the long haul on the bitumen as tomorrow we head down the old Balladonia Road to Esperance via a dirt road. Big adventures on this road await we think.

The feeling of being back on dirt was such an awesome feeling of freedom and adventure with not really knowing what lay ahead of us. This old dirt road, the good ol’ Balladonia Road was a breath of fresh air. No having to watch out for trucks, or caravans or cars coming up behind or in front, just a lovely 200km dirt road heading south to Condingup. Immediately we relaxed and felt energised breathing in fresh air from the forest that grew on either side of the road. No traffic noise just the enjoyment of birds singing and the wind gently blowing and the peacefulness of the sound of our wheels going round and round. The forest we were riding through is called ‘The Great Western Woodlands’, the largest and only one of a few woodlands left growing in a Mediterranean climate. Such a treat to have the experience to ride through this amazing woodland that is untouched and such a healthy, alive and precious area. Today’s ride on the dirt was so much fun. The first part of our ride we had a mix of corrugations and nice smooth rolling dirt. It felt like as soon as you started tiring of the bump bump bump you were soon onto smooth riding again. This continued corrugations, smooth, corrugations, smooth for about 20 or so k’s. Then things changed the following 40+ k’s was just corrugations. No smooth sections to enjoy just bump bump bump and the forever search of a good line.
Feeling like a good rest from the bouncing around we found the perfect spot for a picnic lunch. There was a large fallen log to sit on and enjoy a nice bite to eat and deserving coffee. Then back onto the bikes to continue the ride until about 3.30pm. Here we found an animal track that led into the bush which opened up into a small clearing which gave us space to put up our tent. Dave made a lovely small campfire to warm us up while dinner was being made. Dinner was consumed just before dark and as we were about to go to bed we noticed that the moon was rising and there was a very light cloud covering the sky. When we looked up to the moon it looked like gold glitter was falling from the light of the moon. Such a magical moment. It was quite a cold night so before long our sleeping bags had warmed us up ready for a good night’s rest.

Bush Camp 1 to Bush Camp 2
Gentle rain began to fall during the night. We slept a little longer hoping that it would stop, it eventually did and we quickly broke camp, had a quick brekky and got going. The cloud was so low that we couldn’t get a bearing from the sun, with the bush so thick we actually had to turn the GPS on to get a bearing back to the road, bit of a lesson there. Once back on the road, we realised that it had turned pretty muddy from the rain overnight so we made sure that all our gear was properly covered and started pedalling. The rain began again, but slowly, time to get the wet weather gear on. It stayed on for the whole day.
Another 8 ks saw us arriving at Deralinya Homestead. This amazing old station homestead 

has been restored over many years by the owners as a labour of love. They leave it unlocked for any traveller to use, which is an amazing thing. We were able to top up our water from the tank here, we only needed a few litres and used the front verandah for shelter from the rain while we had breakfast number two. A big thankyou to the owners for making this beautiful building accessible, we loved it and wished we weren’t so early in our day’s ride or we would have stayed.
The rain continued for most of the rest of the ride, trying to pick a line between corrugations and muddy patches left us exhausted and looking for a camp around 3pm, just as we popped out into open farmland, great. We carried on, knowing that there was some more bush a bit further along. We were ready to camp just anywhere when I noticed a blocked off sandy track going off to the left. We did the whole, fatbikes can ride around anything designed to keep cars out thing, and headed off the road between farmland on our left and amazing low growing bush on our right. Kangaroos scattered and we realised that the track led into what was a large granite outcrop. We couldn’t quite work out how to get there, so stopped at the first open ground that we could. It was just big enough to push the bikes into the bushes and put the tent up, quite protected. We stripped our mud coated wet weather gear off and dived into the tent. We had a quick cup of hot coffee and just starting eating all the cold stuff we had left, cheese, bikkies, olives, jerky etc and then just crashed out exhausted as the rain continued to fall throughout the night.

Bush Camp 2 to CONDINGUP
We awoke to no rain, overcast but no rain in site. Once back out on the road we continued our journey on the dirt for about another 30km passing large farms and stations. Before we knew it we came to bitumen once more. Faster travelling surface but sadly a sign of civilisation approaching once again. Towards the end of our ride today, about the time of the usual last 10k’s we had a head wind that started to well and truly slow us down. Not knowing too much about the approaching town we were wishfully hoping for a hot shower and some good coffee and yummy food. Up one big hill before a descent into Condingup we realised that whenever there is a town with ‘Up’ at the end of the name it does actually mean you have to go up a pretty descent up before you get into that town. So up we went and down we went and saw a sign directing us to the Tavern. The Tavern is the only shop in town and it is a bar, a café/restaurant and a general store. Oh and they also have a petrol pump. A tavern that caters for absolutely everyone. Feeling pretty excited we ventured in and found a nice warm open fire burning in the café. A lovely girl greeted us and we ordered real coffee for starters. Yep they were real, Dave’s shorty was short and had crema and my latte was just perfect. How grateful and happy were we. Next was to decide what to have for lunch. Burger with the lot was Dave’s choice and I had a veggie burger. What came out was totally amazing, delicious and just what we had been dreaming about for the past couple of weeks real, fresh, homemade, nutritious goodness. After chatting with a couple of locals who asked about our bikes (one whom use to work with the camels in McLaren Flat) Dave was asked to come out and train with the vets at the local footy oval tonight. They thought he looked pretty fit and deserved a run LOL. We ventured into the general store area and stocked up on some supplies and had quite an exciting time. The last time we were able to buy supplies from a shop was back in Ceduna. There was a shop at Penong (this is actually the last shop for 1000km’s) but it was a Sunday when we were there and they were shut, so we felt like kids in a lolly shop with all sorts of food and goodies to restock our food bag.
We were informed by the locals that there was no caravan park in town only 20km’s away at the beach but there was free camping out at the Community Centre where the footy oval was. We thanked the lovely girl at the Tavern for our beautiful lunch and headed off to investigate the community centre. WOW the centre was amazing, all made of rammed earth and was enormous. The oval looked nice and tidy and the surrounds just perfect with trees and lots of grass to put our tent plus open toilets. We went for a little wander around the outside of the centre and couldn’t believe the facility. It had a large open area with a bar, tables and chairs and a huge open fire place, kitchen facilities, sports change rooms, playgroup area and other large areas that we couldn’t see into.
The evening approached pretty quickly and we decided to head back over to the Tavern for some dinner. Dave dodged the footy training as after the last few days on the bike there were no legs left to run with. We had a lovely enjoyable dinner and were treated with a dessert to share by the lovely girl we met at lunchtime. We asked if the café was open for breakfast in the morning and she said to drop in about 8am and that we were more than welcome to come in and have a shower at the shop as well. How awesome is that, we are just so lucky and spoilt and went to bed with great excitement with the thought of breakfast and a shower in the morning.

Breakfast time came around quickly after a very cold night. Packed up and off to the tavern again for a shower and brekky. We had an awesome and inspiring chat with the owners of the tavern, who were just amazing, and it turned out that they came in especially to cook us breakfast that morning. Fond farewells, and we were off towards Cape LeGrand national park. The bikes were rolling well, but the threat of showers coming made us keep an eye on the skies as we rode along. It was nice but uneventful riding on a mixture of bitumen and fast dirt roads,, until a small car travelling towards us stopped and a pink fuzzy head popped out of the window to ask us directions to the Condingup Tavern. The two young girls and a very embarrassed guy in the back seat of the car were all dressed up in clown costumes and appeared to be having an awesome time, hahaha, really not sure what that was about.
We turned south again towards the park entrance and hadn’t gone two ks when the heavens opened up. We dashed madly for a tree trying to get a bit of shelter while we got the wet gear on again. On we went, a few ks down the road while still raining, we were hearing this huge roar, it sounded like big surf, but we were still quite a way from the coast. There was a swamp on either side of the road, so we just stopped in the middle of the road to find out what the noise was. It turned out to be a cacophony of frogs, I am telling you, it was like heavy surf, or a jet engine, but it was  thousands of frogs very loudly rejoicing in the life giving rain. One of my most awesome experiences that we never would have had if we’d been snug and warm and dry in a speeding car.
We entered the park and came to the unattended ranger’s station to a notice saying the campground that we planned to stay at was closed and that we had to go to Lucky Bay instead. This was going to be quite a bit further and also make our next day’s ride longer as well. I was feeling a bit sick of being out in the rain by this time, but Mary insisted that I invoke a bit of Rule No5 of “The Velomanati” and “Harden The Fuck UP” So we kicked on as the rain finally cleared. Well, this was one of those very special rides, down through coastal heath amongst towering granite peaks with boulders on top of them the shape of shipwrecks and Whales and Eagles. Yes, there was some climbing, but with the breathtaking views, who could complain, this place was special. We gathered views of pristine bays, some with wild surf, some so protected that you would have no problem just floating around on them. We began a final curving descent into lucky bay, and just knew that this was going to be a great place to have our first rest day in ten days. Lucky bay has the (scientifically tested) whitest sand of any beach in Australia. Top that off with protecting dramatic granite headlands, this is one of those jaw dropping places you just have to see in person to know that it was real.

Day off at LUCKY BAY, Cape LeGrand NP
Our breakfast treat of toast and coffee started our day off well then it was adventures by foot and places to explore. We followed a well signed walking track heading out to Thistle Cove. This cove should have a more spectacular or beautiful name like Dream Cove, Imaginary Cove, Blue Diamond Cove or Crescent Wave Cove. The walk out to Thistle Cove was over and through amazing granite boulders of all shapes and sizes. Every few metres revealed spectacular views one after another. You are really left with amazing visions the whole time. We came to a lookout about half way between Lucky Bay and Thistle Cove which overlooked the outer part of Lucky Bay and as we sat there for 10 minutes or so taking in the view we spotted a couple of whales. As we watched closely we could see there were three and with the help of the zoom lens on the camera discovered that they were Humpbacks. How exciting, right in front of us were beautiful whales, 2 adults and a calf just playing in the protected bay. Today was our lucky day. We watched in awe for a good hour before heading on further to reach Thistle Cove. As we were descending down to the cove it started to rain and we found shelter behind a big granite boulder. Actually Wilma and myself fitted just nicely underneath the boulder but Dave was a little too big to squeeze into this totally protected natural shelter. The ups of being small. Once the rain eased we started to venture back to Lucky Bay to have some lunch and a chill.

Sometimes we find ourselves in quite hilarious situations. As we finished our lunch back at camp we noticed a caravan and a couple of guys who were dressed quite smartly wondering around and flying a drone. It looked like they were filming their brand new van. Soon enough one of the guys came over and introduced himself and asked if I would be interested in being their token caravan woman as they were filming a promotional video for the Caravanning Association. Hilarious, they actually wanted both of us. We told them we haven’t showered for a few days, live in a tent and ride bikes and they assured us that, that was fine as it wasn’t smell-a-vision. Here was our chance to join the caravan society even if it was short lived. We ventured over to the van and were offered a very comfortable outdoor chair each to sit in, that had a lovely round table in between the chairs and two cups of tea and a very special glass tea pot sitting on the table. It turned out to be coke in the pot not tea haha just a prop. But the tim tams sitting there were real. The camera was big and real and with the drone flying over it was a real live movie set. We even had to act. Dave had to come out of the van carrying the tim tams and had to place them on the table and then sit down. He did such a good job and only had to do 2 takes. I had to get up walk over and put my hands on his shoulders (how romantic) and then walk inside the van. We must have done a really good job as they paid us with a good bottle of red.

During the afternoon we went for a lovely walk around on the beach at Lucky Bay. The sand is like talcum powder, so fine and pure white. When you walk on it the surface feels really hard and it squeaks under every step. Such a beautiful bay with different shades of aqua right through to deep blue as the water deepens. Our neighbour in the park had spotted a seal earlier but we weren’t that lucky to see him. Often the kangaroos come down to this beach and lie around on the sand in the sun. Such a great treasure, one that is being looked after well by the parks rangers.
Before dinner we were invited to our friendly neighbours for pre-dinner drinks and tonight we were able to bring a bottle of red. It had to be drunk one way or another as it just wasn’t going to fit on the bikes the next day. We had our second encounter of caravan life in one day and I must say it was very warm and comfortable inside our new friend’s van. So many great stories were told as our friends have done a lot of travelling here in Australia and all around the world. It always fascinates me that there is so much to learn when meeting new people. We had no idea that there is an organisation called ANF. Our new friends were past presidents of the ANF and they informed us that there are groups all around Australia and that there are a great number of properties around for members of the federation to use at all times of the year. ANF stands for Australian Nudist Federation and it totally surprised us at the number of facilities this group has and the number of people that are so enthusiastically involved. Very interesting conversations where had this evening.


LUCKY BAY to ESPERANCE via LeGrand Beach
A cool, crisp and clear morning with the promise of beach riding saw us rolling out of camp quite early. The usual morning warm up climb was done and the road curled away in front of us through a beautiful valley flanked by Cape Legrand on one side and Frenchman Peak on the right. It was a very enjoyable road ride, ending at the Legrand Beach access ramp. The beach curled away to the West for 22ks to Wylie Bay, the tide was high, but plenty of flat smooth beach was available to ride on.
We took our helmets off and headed west after a few photos.  A couple of freshwater creeks flowed out onto the beach which were easily ridden through.  After about 4ks Mary realised that her helmet was missing (which I had tied on to her bike) Oh Oh.  A mad dash back to find it sitting on the sand just after the first creek crossing. Add an extra 8ks onto Dave’s ride for today. Things got tough from here on, the beach narrowed, the head wind got stronger and the sand got softer. We had to drop our tyre pressures right down to about 3-4psi. This kept us floating, but the legs were seriously suffering. Four wheel drives came tearing down the beach at times with totally no concern for our safety, we couldn’t hear them coming from behind us as the wind was so strong.  We persevered and went past some interesting things including a surfers camp with big speakers and the doof doof going so that the guys surfing would have had no problem hearing it, cool. Later a motorbike camp which had torn the dunes and beach up even worse, making it impossible for us to find a good line, uncool. Finally we came to the end and exited the west end of the beach to pump up our tyres again for the final run into Esperance.
Fortunately we found a good café still open on the beach front and enjoyed great coffee, cake and a beer for me. Welcome to Esperance.

We were then on to our first stay with a Warmshowers Host,  Campbell, Vanessa and family who made us so welcome in their home. We had hosted other touring cyclists at our place before this but had never used it while travelling. A new and wonderful experience for us.

Rest Day 1 in Esperance
What a great sleep we had in the most cosiest and warm bed. As we got ready to head downstairs to breakfast we could hear the cheerful chitter chatter of a little voice and the delightful sounds of a happy baby, yay the little ones are up and about. Great smiles from the two youngsters was a beautiful way to start the day. Campbell had breakfast on the go for us all and wow what a treat we had. Freshly made coffee, homemade sour dough, porridge, fresh fruit salad and muesli. Our tummies were soon filled with wholesome goodness all made with love.
With some washing done, bikes washed and a few other little jobs attended to we all jumped on our bikes with Casper on his little Cannondale Mountain Bike that he rides so breathtakingly well and little Soko sitting happily in her bike trailer we all headed down to the esplanade to the Sunday market. Here Dave and I were able to get some of our precious organic toothpaste, the one we buy at home. We had nearly run out of the one we brought with us and felt so lucky to find a replacement without having to buy a yucky supermarket one. Such a simple little thing but made us feel quite excited. We bought a box of deactivated nuts and seeds to add to our on the road breakfast bircher’s. We also got a lovely energising oil to help make the tent smell nice and some vitamins for colds as I was feeling a sore throat coming on.
Late afternoon we all headed down to the local café where Campbell and Vanessa’s friend was playing live music. The place was full of people all having a great time enjoying the really cool music. We had a great relax, a few drinks and a bite to eat and headed back to our temporary home for dinner.
Such a lovely day and evening spent hanging out with these guys who are just so awesome and encouraging of our cycle touring adventure. I was really lucky and had Casper ask if I could read him a story before bed which I really enjoyed doing.

Rest Day 2 in Esperance
The weather was looking to be a bit dodgy and our hosts were really happy for us to stay another night so we decided to take the opportunity and have another day of rest and recovery. We had a couple of jobs to do in town so after another amazing Campbell Breakfast we walked into town and sorted a couple of things, had a great look around the town, found a café for lunch and coffee and then wondered back. It was mid afternoon and Campbell sent Dave a text saying there were a large pod of dolphins spotted down on the foreshore. Vanessa so kindly drove us down but we must have just missed them. We looked all over the bay, imagined seeing them a couple of times but it turned out to be a flock of sea birds. Never mind it was so lovely to be down there as in the distant a dark sea fog rolled in and surrounded a large cargo ship. It looked really eerie and we were just waiting and watching for the pirate ship to come out of the fog and attack. Apparently there use to be a pirate who had a harem of women that lived out on one of the islands!! Vanessa was so kind and offered to take us for a scenic drive around to Twilight Cove. This drive was spectacular. The view from the lookouts of all the bays was just breathtaking. It was an overcast day so we didn’t get the brilliant colours of aqua and blues that Esperance is known for but even with the cloud cover you could still see aqua clearly on the shore line. Such an amazing and beautiful coastline. We stopped off at a few spots along the way and got out of the car to enjoy the natural wonders this place has to offer. Twilight Bay is really protected, with a small surf beach, and a lovely kiddy beach with great rocks for the kids to climb all over in and out of the water. We continued along the way and came to the windfarm which was the first one to be built in WA. This is about to be decommissioned, a little unsure whether it will be rebuilt or not.

Once back home Vanessa cooked a warm hearty delicious meal of Dahl and rice and after another great chat sitting around the warm fire we headed off to bed for another good night’s sleep in preparation for another few days on the bike.    

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

The Half Nullarbor, Ceduna to Eucla

Ceduna to Eucla


We flew back to Ceduna on Thursday evening after spending a few days back home at Kangarilla. David had a specialist appointment and got the all clear from his doctor regarding his skin lesion that he had removed just before we started our journey. The graft has attached perfectly and everything has healed really well. It was really lovely to be home for a few days catching up with Evan and Ruby and Owen who took a couple of day’s annual leave so he could spend some time with us. It was great to spend some time with mum. We even had made the same hair appointment times without consulting each other. And of course it was great to see my puppies again. I really miss the dogs but Evan and Ruby have been doing a great job and they all look really happy and really well. The ponies are all doing well and they all got a good old worming just before I left so should all continue to do well over winter. Mum has been spending lots of time with little old Kristie and she is doing really well considering she turns 34 in a few months.
Friday in Ceduna was windy, blowing a gale so luckily we had already planned to stay another night and head off on Saturday morning. Dave had the job of changing over the back tyres on both the bikes. Priscilla took to her new tyre with no problems at all but Larry, well he decided to be just a little difficult. With things fairly sorted, bags packed, last minute shopping done, bikes all set up we were pretty much ready to leave early in the morning. Overnight Larry decided to continue to be difficult and produced a very slow leak in the new back tyre. Pump it up and just ride was the thought so off we went hoping the continuous rolling of the tyres would seal the inside with the sealant. It was all looking pretty good and confidence was growing.
The ride out on Saturday morning was awesome. Legs felt so fresh and fast, nothing hurt, happy faces on both humans and bikes felt perfect. We rode out of town and shortly came to our turn off onto Denial Bay Road. We followed the bitumen for about 15km which had very little passing traffic. Then the road turned to dirt which was wicked. Beautifully maintained dirt road that both bikes just rolled perfectly on. Lunch was had in a little quiet spot in the bush and then we continued the rest of the ride into Penong on the dirt road. Whenever we are out on a back dirt road we always find some pretty decent hills to climb and today was no exception. For quite a few kilometres we had the roller coaster effect happening.
Once in Penong we set up our tent in the caravan park on a nice patch of green grass with the shade of a couple of small mallee trees. It was a lovely little park, very quiet and spotless amenities. As we were putting the tent up we could hear the yells, shouts and car horns coming from the nearby footy oval so we headed over to watch the last quarter of the local footy. It was a really close match with unfortunately Penong the home team losing by just 1 goal. The skill level from both teams was pretty impressive as was both teams play set ups. It was fun to watch and awesome to see such a good turnout of supporters and lots of young people and children running around enjoying their day at the footy.
Over to the pub for dinner and the chef was really kind enough to wiz me up a veggie pasta dish which was amazing. The meal size was huge and even though I was really hungry just couldn’t get through even half of it. I made sure he got the message that it was delicious but just a little too big for mini Mary.
Penong has a large park set up with a collection of windmills in it. Windmills of all shapes and sizes. It even has one of the largest windmills ever built in Australia on display in there and it actually looks big enough to be a ferris wheel.


We awoke to a flat Larry once again so once pumped up, packed up and fed up off we ventured to Fowlers Bay. The first 30km of the ride was on the Eyre Highway. The truck traffic wasn’t too bad or scary but we stuck to our system of when a truck is coming from behind we just get off the bitumen onto the verge. The truckies seem to appreciate us doing this and often give us a little toot as they go pass.

Once we turned off onto the dirt we hit some pretty good climbs once again. Just to add to the difficulty, the climbs became quiet sandy making us work just a little harder. Lunch stop was along the side of the road with cooked English muffins with vegemite and packet coffee. We had very little traffic on this road but one car full of locals heading to Ceduna kindly stopped to see if we were ok. With lunch finished we had a great ride on this back road looking at all the large wombat holes. There were lots just on the side of the road and really big wombat warrens out in the paddocks. We stopped in investigate a couple but didn’t see any actual wombats just wombat footprints and plenty of wombat poop. This back road connected up with the Fowlers Bay Road and after a bit more climbing led us down a super hill into the bay. The view as we were rolling down was breathtaking. The sun lighting up the sand dunes in front of us and the bright blue ocean gleaming to the left. With this amazing view we knew this was going to be a very special place to stay at.

We met Narelle at the kiosk who organised our camp site in the caravan park and made us awesome real coffees with actual crème on top of Dave’s shorty. See we knew this place was going to be special. We spoke to a lovely couple who live next door to the kiosk who both work out at Yalata. They were very helpful with advising us of where we will be able to get water from between here and Nullabor. We ordered fresh fish and chips for a very early dinner and Narelle came out with a lovely fresh salad for us as well. Just on sunset we raced up the sand dunes just behind the park to take some photos. Dave got some great shots of the sun setting and I had a bit of fun videoing the amazing colours on display. When we got back to the park the nightly campfire was well and truly going so we hung out over there for a while having great conversations with other travellers.
We certainly crashed out and both had a really good sleep.

FOWLERS BAY TO 25km’s west of NUNDROO  59km

We decided to have a slower than usual start due to the fact that real coffee was available at 8.30am. We sat looking over the bay enjoying our coffee and toasted sandwiches wondering if we should just put the tent back up and stay another day. We decided to make tracks and headed out towards Nundroo.
Despite the good quality gravel road, heading out through beautiful scenery across the salt pans we realised that the wind today was going to make things difficult. Low and slow seemed to be the order of the day. About 10km’s out of Fowlers Bay we started to see signs of there being horses on the road. Regular fresh horse poop and pony sized hoof marks were evident over the next few km’s. There were no fences and we wondered why on earth these ponies would be loose on the road. Then on the rise ahead we started to see moving amongst the low scrubby trees what we thought were these ponies. Getting closer we could see them, all different colours until one of them finally spotted us coming up the road they seemed to melt away into the bush and we couldn’t see them again. We couldn’t help but wonder if these were relatives of the fabled Coffin Bay Ponies.
We continued on into Coorabie and checked out the beautiful hall and school site before heading up a hill once again into even stronger winds and threatening rain. Finally, with aching legs we emerged back onto the Eyre Highway and pushed into Nundroo for a surprise lunch, food again at the Nundroo Roadhouse.
After lunch we kicked on and started to notice the potential of a side gravel road running along the paved highway. This is what we were hoping would give us an alternative to riding on the highway with the trucks. The first five km’s seemed quite doable but we decided to drop our tyre pressures to smooth out the bumps. Shortly after doing this the side road ended and continued on the other side of the highway but in much worse condition. Riding was very difficult so after persevering for another few k’s we decided to hit the bitumen as it would be unlikely we would make our camp before dark if we continued.
We made camp in a nice bush setting off the side of the road about half way between Nundroo and Yalata.

West of NUNDROO TO 40km’s past YALATA  76.3km

We awoke to a heavy fog that had soaked everything really wet.  Not having the time to hang around and wait for things to dry out we packed up the wet tent and all our belongings and had our ritual packet coffee and a bite to eat for breakfast and continued on our way on the highway. The ride today was quite hilly, long steady ups and rolling downs. We are quite surprised to have found that we had done over 490m of climbing this day.
Lunch time seemed to roll in pretty quick today and before we knew it we were riding through Yalata. We had been told to head towards the old caravan park and out the back and we should find fresh rain water to fill our bottles and if we needed to top up the batteries on our phones to plug them into the old caravan power stands as the power was still turned on. This was great information to have as we did need to top up our water and our phones were out of battery. So while we ate our lunch we topped everything else up as well. We even had another bonus too as there were guys working on the grounds of the old road house and they had the toilets open. Today was just our lucky day.
Our day continued to be just bums on seats and legs going around and around. We did get a bit of a break with the continuous road ahead when a lovely young policeman stopped to have a chat. He was on a very serious mission and wanted to warn us that he had been alerted of a car driving at a ridiculous and dangerous speed of over 160km/h. He was quite concerned for our safety and wanted us to know of the possible danger. He didn’t have any real idea on how far up this driver was and why they were driving so fast but hoped to be able to grab them. He waved good bye and that was the last we saw of him. We stayed very alert but didn’t see anyone speeding or see the policeman at all again so he was probably well ahead of us before we turned off to our camp for the night.
Our camp was at a truck stop. We didn’t fancy spending the night in the tent on a bed of gravel surrounded by trucks parking and resting so we went bush and found a nice private peaceful spot. Here we had a good dinner, packet shower and a good night’s rest.



Another heavy dew morning left us with a wet tent again, seems to be the norm now, Winter is here. However the sun rose and started to warm our bones quite quickly to what looked like a magnificent day. While packing up we realised that every bush had a very complex spider web attached to it, all sparkling in the morning sun with dew drops, amazing.
We hit the road with anticipation for the day ahead, we were going to see the whales at the Head Of Bight.  We were finally coming out of the Yalata Hills and with a good tail breeze we made good time to the turn off to Head Of Bight. 

We stopped for a quick drink and as we did the cop from yesterday pulled up to say Gday and make sure we were ok. Really nice to know that he was looking out for us, Cheers.
We headed into the visitor centre, had a quick coffee before grabbing the cameras and heading for the viewing platforms, with the promise of several whales with new born calves in the bay. Well what a sight when we arrived, the most amazing wild beach location shouldered by the dramatic Bunda Cliffs on each side of the bay. And cruising around we could see 3 whales with calves as well as a couple of solo whales further out the back. They were just cruising, staying close to the calves and very obviously helping them to get moving and get them through their first days of life. A little while later a Female who had been waiting out the back began to move in closer to where we were standing. She seemed quite agitated and was rolling, spy hopping and blowing quite often.  We got some amazing photos and video, but most importantly we could see this amazing creature right up close, purely because we had the patience to wait around. We were sure that she was on the verge of calving, but unfortunately we didn’t know how long this would take and we needed to ride another 25k’s to Nullarbor roadhouse before it got dark.  We left with an amazing feeling of satisfaction that we had seen the whales in good conditions, fat and healthy with hopefully an incredible long life ahead of them.
But of course, a real shower was calling. So on the bikes for a dash to Nullarbor.
We arrived and decided on a motel room for the night, we wanted an early start the next morning. Cleaning up and getting our clothes washed is now one of life’s most satisfying experiences. We are easily pleased these days, especially when that is followed up with good hot food cooked by someone else.
We were just leaving from dinner when our friendly Highway Patrol Cop walked in, so we had a chat for a few minutes and thanked him for looking out for us, nice guy, and he did catch his crazy driver the day before.


All ready for another day on the bikes and the next two nights camping out under the stars. We had breakfast at the roadhouse before leaving and just happened to see a barrel full of wombats. How could we possibly leave without adopting one of these gorgeous little wombats. So with wombat firmly attached to the top of the food bag we started off on the Nullarbor Road. It was quite obvious that wombat needed a name so we asked for some help from our FB friends. It was decided that Wilma was to be her name. Wilma Wonda Wombat it is. Wilma now has her own instragram account so she can share all her adventures along the way. She seems to get herself into a bit of trouble at times so keeps us both quite entertained.

There are quite a few unofficial tracks from the highway leading to the Bunda Cliffs along the way but most of them have had a grader rip into them and large rocks placed at the entrances with posts saying ‘revegetation’ stopping vehicles driving down them. We can see there is a need for this as there are far too many tracks ruining the bush but we also see a need for a few more official tracks to be made so people have the opportunity to drive down for a look. We were lucky to find a couple of tracks that were half ripped up preventing vehicles driving down but had a large walking path left on one side which allowed us to follow on our bikes. The views from the cliffs are just breathtaking, it really feels like you are standing right on the edge of the world, just so magnificent.

We are now well past the dog fence and today saw our first wild dog. Sneaking through the bush was a black dog with a big white tip on his tail. He took sight of us and shot through very quickly. Awhile later we spotted a dingo who was eating something in the bush. As we rode past we startled him and he started to trot off. I whistled and called out to him and he stopped dead in his tracks for long enough for Dave to grab his camera out and take a couple of shots. He then just sneaked away into the bush.
With having had lunch on the cliffs and an afternoon tea rest stop on the cliffs we were quite excited to look out for a turnoff where we could find a camp for the night on the cliffs. We kept a close eye out and soon enough found a rest stop that had a track that hadn’t been ripped that led about 2km’s out to the cliff top. Here we found the most amazing and perfect spot to place our home for the night. It was windy so it was all pegs out and extra tie downs plus all gear inside just as an added precaution holding the tent secure. By sundown the wind settled and here we were sleeping on the edge of the world with the ocean crashing into the great vast cliffs, the starlight sky and not another soul around.

GAB Bush Camp 1 to GAB Bush Camp 2  94.1km

Blah Blah,, Blah Blahh, to Blahh Blaahh Blah, No seriously, it was another amazing sunrise,,,, seriously, it was.  And then it poured with rain so we had to duck back into the tent for 10 minutes while it cleared. Bugger, wet tent again.

We rolled slowly back out the dirt access road towards the main highway. We are a bit disappointed about the amount of dirt road we can ride heading across here, but we have found that the fat bikes aren’t so much the slugs we thought they would be on the black top.  The advantage they give us when we need to get off the road and onto the verge because of trucks or caravans is extremely important to us. While the dirt will increase a bit later on, for now, we have to suck it up and do the k’s to get us there.
We decided we were going to put a big day in today, the weather for Saturday was looking bad, especially the head winds, so we thought that the closer we could get to Eucla, our Saturday destination, the better off we would be. We had no mobile coverage for the past two days so were unable to get an update.
Along the way, we had a guy heading the opposite direction pull over to say Gday, he didn’t stop long, but all he wanted to do was give us food, a full quiche and a massive bag of nuts and dried fruit. What a nice bloke and so very generous, we appreciated it, and are still eating the nuts.
We now have a system that when riding to bush camps, we will ride till about 3pm and then start looking for a camp site, today, this had us ducking down side tracks and following along cliff tops looking for somewhere good.  It was getting late and we had travelled 94k’s when we decided on this beautiful rock ledge on the escarpment overlooking the beach about 15 k’s East of the West Australian Border. We started putting the tent up and soon found that we could only get a peg into the ground in one out of six spots, and the wind was picking up. So we tied guy ropes to exposed roots and scrubby half dead bushes that didn’t look like they were going to hold much. Meanwhile Wilma the Wombat crashed Mary’s bike Priscilla into a bush, disaster.
All was good again after the master chef boiled the billy and hot chocolate was consumed followed by cheese and bickies, olives, Jerky, Cheese pasta with our last snow peas, a vegemite sandwich and then a shared picnic bar and kitkat. I think we were still a few calories short of replacing the days effort. Sleep followed shortly only to be interrupted much later by Mary saying,,, Darling,, the tent is hitting me in the head. Oh well back to sleep, it was windy.

GAB Bush Camp2 to Eucla  28.3km

Red sky at dawn, cyclist be warned. We were only 15k’s from Border Village, coffee, and breakfast, so we decided to pack up and go without brekky.  It was windy and bitterly cold, we had to develop a strategy to get the tent down without breaking it, or losing it over the edge of the escarpment. So Mary had to stand on one end while I got back inside and took it down from the inside. This resulted in quite a bit of laughter and swearing, but we did it. And would you believe the tent was wet again.
We blasted into border village feeling like we had crossed one of the psychological barriers of this trip off our list. Phheeewww.   We had good coffee and a massive breakfast before riding through the border fruitfly checkpoint (the nice guy there really didn’t want to check our bags).
The final 13 k’s to Eucla were uneventful, and after eight days straight on the bike, we felt like we deserved a rest day. Good riding.